<<<<<<< HEAD Sane Guruji Kathakathan Spardha: 1st prize secured by Sanvi Parge - std-IV and Maithili Babar std IX 1st prize secured by Avanti Ranjanikar Congratulations to all the prize winners.       |      Sahyadri National School Requires Qualified,Trained & Experienced Co-ordinators,Teachers for (PP,Std I to x) for all subjects. Office Assistant. *Handsome Salary For Deserving Candidate * Mail Id-sssdsahyadrinationalschool@gmail.com 140/2,warje Malwadi,NDA Road,Pune-411058 contact no 02025236049 ======= Sane Guruji Kathakathan Spardha: 1st prize secured by Sanvi Parge - std-IV and Maithili Babar std IX 1st prize secured by Avanti Ranjanikar Congratulations to all the prize winners. >>>>>>> a9ce8669841b039bcbbdf0648cfedb906be8cd71       |      Sahyadri National School Requires Qualified,Trained & Experienced Co-ordinators,Teachers for (PP,Std I to x) for all subjects. Office Assistant. *Handsome Salary For Deserving Candidate * Mail Id-sssdsahyadrinationalschool@gmail.com 140/2,warje Malwadi,NDA Road,Pune-411058 contact no 02025236049       |      Proud moment for Sahyadri National School for achieving 5th position in Schoolympics out of 644 schools.🎊💐🏆       |      Proud to announce that Sakshi Khairnar from std 9 has been qualified for the Practicals of prestigious Homi Bhabha exams. Hearty congratulations and best wishes to Sakshi.       |      Proud to share that Sahyadri National School is on 6th position in Schoolympics. Kudos to the winners 🏆 👏       |      Congratulations to Gayatri Shingade who has been selected in first 5 positions in the Inspire Award- Manak for her innovative idea of Modified Paper Cutter at National level.       |      Sahyadri's Moment of Pride... For the consecutive second year Sahyadri National School has reached National level of Inspire Award Manak Competition.       |      Admissions Open For Mini KG, Jr. KG, Sr. KG, STD1       |     

About Us

At our institute, we transcend the traditional notion of a school. It's a captivating realm where students and teachers alike embark on a journey of shared learning. Our approach extends beyond conventional textbooks, classrooms, and chalkboards. We've crafted a comprehensive learning system with the objective of nurturing the complete personality of each child, providing exposure to a diverse array of learning experiences.

In this dynamic learning environment, we prioritize fostering a sense of curiosity, critical thinking, and creativity. Our institute is not just a place for academic pursuits; it's a vibrant community that encourages exploration and collaboration. Through innovative teaching methods and interactive learning tools, we empower our students to become active participants in their education.

To see more videos kindly visit our Facebook and Instagram.


Here we stand


Years Legacy of Learning


Faculty of Expert Educators


Bright Students



A Message Of Vision: Building Tomorrow Together


Mr.Vijay Barate


  A flame had always been kindling in my heart, to work for children. Sahyadri National School is a manifestation of this thought. With an urge to provide quality education in English, to each child, irrespective of the background, a seed was sown in the year 2003. Today, it has grown into a ‘Kalpavruksha’. A family that embraces students of all ability levels and equips them to meet the challenges of education, work and life. Let us join our hands together to mould our students into future forerunners of good and responsible citizens.


Mrs.Shubhada Deshmukh


   Empowering young minds for a brighter tomorrow, Sahyadri National School fosters love, positivity, and joy. Our focus is on cultivating curiosity and wonder, with education grounded in knowledge, discipline, values, and integrity. At Sahyadri, we blend these foundations with scientific aptitude and creativity, empowering our students to overcome challenges, nurture their talents, and lead radiant lives. They are our future torchbearers, striding towards a hopeful and happy future.

Building Bonds with Students and Parents

Celebrating Our Achievements